Khadakpada Axis Bank IFSC Code | Branch Code | MICR Code | Khadakpada | Kalyan

Khadakpada Axis Bank IFSC Code, Branch Code, MICR Code, Khadakpada, Kalyan west
"Khadakpada", Axis Bank, IFSC Code is UTIB0001153, Axis Bank Branch is 10 minute walking distance from khadakpada circle towards godrej hill rd. on left hand side and just 5 minute walking distance from Cinemax

The Indian Financial System Code (IFS Code or IFSC) is an alphanumeric code that facilitates electronic funds transfer (Online fund transfer) in India. A code uniquely identifies each bank branch participating in the two main Payment and settlement systems in India: the Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and the National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) systems
Source : Wikipedia

Axis Bank Khadakpada Branch IFSC Code Branch Code MICR Code

Bank Name :
Branch : Khadakpada, Kalyan (west)
IFSC Code : UTIB0001153 (5th character is zero) (IFSC code is used in for transaction such as NEFT and RTGS transactions)
Branch Code : 001153 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code)
MICR Code : 400211078

Axis Bank Khadakpada Branch Address

Address : Shop No. 2-5, Orbit Commercial Complex, opposite Dell service center, Barave Road, Godrej Hill, Khadakpada, Kalyan (w)
City : Kalyan
District : Thane
State : Maharashtra
Pincode : 421301

Axis Bank Contact Information

Contact : 0251 - 2232 565 2232566 0251 - 2230 150
Axis Bank Toll-Free Number : 1-800-103-5577
Axis Bank Cutomer Care Number :
Fax :
Email-id :
Website Address : (before login just check that url start with "https://" and rest as "")
Website Address Internet Banking :
Office Hours :

Axis Bank Credit Card Retail Phone Banking Numbers

You can call Axis Bank Phone Banking services on the toll-free number from your mobile phone or landline anywhere in India. Customers can also access the 24-hour phone banking services from outside of India. You can use these numbers to report loss of card or for any other credit card queries.

Charges: Toll-free
Region: Within India
Phone Number: 1-800-103-5577, 1-800-209-5577, 1-800-233-5577

Charges: Not Toll-free
Region: Outside India
Phone Number: +91 22 27648000

Axis Bank Credit Card Toll Free Customer Care Numbers

Axis Bank provides Toll Free Axis Dial for customers to have instant access to their credit card information. You can call the following numbers to find out your account balance or get a mini statement. This information will be sent to you via SMS on your registered mobile number.

Balance Enquiry: 1800 419 5959
Mini Statement: 1800 419 6969

To get the same information in Hindi, you can dial the following numbers toll-free.

Balance Enquiry: 1800 419 5858
Mini Statement: 1800 419 6868